© copyright Dog-Panions 2025
DOG-Panions MOB: 07807 377920
The Akita is a stunning and beautiful breed, found in an infinite range of colours and patterned
coats. Originally found in the mountains of their native Japan, they are fast, powerful, smart, and
have keen hunting skills.
Although they can look a little intimidating with thier solid bodies, if correctly trained and socialised
they can make friendly and loyal family pets.
A word of warning, the Akita puppy with its
huge paws and teddy bear like face has
trapped many a dog lover into taking one
into their home without being fully aware
that these cute puppies quickly become
huge powerful dogs, with males reaching
an average weight of 55-60kg and females
an average of 45-50kg
If not trained and socialised successfully in their early
months a pet owner can very quickly have a real
handful of dog in their home and out in the park.
If you are interested in homing an Akita, have a look at
the following pages to give you a better understanding
about the breed and if it’s the right dog for you.
The Japanese Akita Welfare Trust (JAWT)
Second Chance Akita Rescue