© copyright Dog-Panions 2025
DOG-Panions MOB: 07807 377920
Hi I’m Shanta Cariese.
I have always been passionate about animal welfare, and have shared my life with a dog for as
long as I can remember.
I Started Dog-Panions, because over the years whilst working with many different species,
including zoo, farm and companion animals, I have learnt that the bond we share with dogs is
very unique, and is something that we should never take for granted.
I started out as a Veterinary Technician, then graduated from University to enter the world of
Veterinary Research. But my burning desire to work with dogs changed the course of my life.
I studied dog behaviour, body-language and training techniques; so that I can help people
connect with and train their dogs in a way which is suitable for both dog and owner.
Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in
Applied Biology
Diploma in Animal Health Technology
NOCN in Canine Behaviour, Body
Language & Training Techniques
National Certificate in Canine First Aid
Practical Skills Clicker Training
Practical Puppy Instructors Course
Professional Animal Trainng
Living Learning and Training with Animals
When we take a dog into our homes, we share every aspect of our lives with them. We expect
them to live in our world and by our rules. while leaving most of their natural behaviours
behind, and then get frustrated when they want to be a dog.
It’s a lot to ask of another species, there are few others who we make these demands of – yet they
continually oblige us to the very best of their abilities!
I am also Very Proud to be the primary volunteer
trainer covering the Scottish Highlands for
At VWD , we work with ex-military personnel who
have returned from military service with Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ).We train thier
support dogs to gain public access certification in
accordance with “Assistance Dogs International”.
My aim is to help people and dogs live together in harmony.
They are not just Companions,
they are our Dog-Panions.
As well as volunteering with VWD, I am also an
approved assessor for the ADAA , covering the Highlands
The Assistance Dog Assessment Association (ADAA), is a charity that offers people
living with disabilities the opportunity to have their assistance dog independently
This allows me to assess dogs who have been trained by their owners, or by a private trainer
(other than myself) or trained by organisations not accredited by ADI (Assistance Dogs
International) or IGDF (International Guide Dog Federation).
Dog-Panions is here to help people and their dogs
when there has been a breakdown in their relationship.
Sometimes this can happen when an owner does not
realise why the dog is behaving in a certain way.
Together we can work out these situations in a way that
understands and meets the needs of the dog, while still
keeping the owner happy.